Project 52:2 • Climb Everything


Since the. day. you learned to crawl, you've been pulling up on things. Then came the climbing. We can't leave you alone for two seconds or you're on top of something. Sometimes something REALLY TALL, like your sisters' bunkbeds.

While your sheer fearlessness is awe-inspiring, it is also terrifying {at least for mama}. Daddy thinks if we make it to your second birthday without a trip to the emergency room, it will be nothing short of a miracle.

It's your nature to explore and discover, and I sure don't want to limit your curiosity to the things on your eye-level. There's just too much in this life that deserves exploring.

So instead, I'll be right by your side, ready with open arms to catch you. And band-aids {just in case}.


Check out some other folks doing Project 52: Lucas & Mahina; Shawna at StyleBerry

If you are participating in this year's Project 52, leave me a comment and let me know...I'd love to link up with you!

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